Group Therapy

Group Therapy

Adult DBT Skills Group
Wednesdays 4:30-6
$50 / Week  (can bill insurance, no OHP)
Orientation group session

Meghan Flaherty, LCSW

*Call for information on upcoming orientations


Radically Open DBT Group
Fridays 12-1:30
Two 15 week sessions
$50/ can bill insurance

Meghan Flaherty, LCSW & Natalie Murphy RDN, LD

*Call for upcoming orientation dates

Experiential DBT Skills Group
Wednesdays 4:30-6                                                                                                                                        Located in Tumalo, OR
24 Week Series

$50 / Week (can bill insurance, no OHP)                                                                                                  $100 donation to Harmony Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary

Laurie Wilmot LCSW, Robine Bots, LMFT

May 4 – September 28


Adult group sign up: Contact Sage at 541.668.6873

Group runs in 8 week modules. Every module starts with 2 weeks of mindfulness then teaches either distress tolerance, emotion regulation, or interpersonal effectiveness skills. If you take 3 modules you will complete the entire DBT curriculum. We know that schedules change and we only request that you commit to a 8 week module at a time. Group is $50 and we bill most major insurances.  The required book for the adult class is the Skills Training Manual for DBT, second edition by Marsha Linehan. For your convenience we sell copies for $35 or you can find one elsewhere prior of the first night of group. This group is a DBT informed group, and is not a DBT program. VIEW DBT SKILLS GROUP FLYERVIEW OUTDOOR EXPERIENTIAL DBT GROUP FLYER

RO DBT sign up: Contact Sage at 541.668.6873

Group runs for 30 weeks. It is broken up into two fifteen week sessions. Group is $50 and we bill most major insurances.  There is a $20 materials fee at the beginning of class. The group is based on the work of Thomas Lynch and is aimed to support clients who struggle with issues of over control. While is is recommended to h ave completed a DBT group previous to attending this group, it is not required.