Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling


Whether you are in a marriage, a partnership, or just beginning as a couple; there are challenges in developing the relationship you both hoped for.  We work with couples to explore your shared stories, hopes and dreams; helping you identify and remove the roadblocks to communication and build intimacy. Sage Behavioral Counseling uses an eclectic approach to couples counseling that is based on  the work of John Gottman. Schedule with on of our therapists to begin a new journey in your relationship.


The Seven Principles of Marriage – John Gottman PhD, 1999, Three Rivers Press.

The Relationship Cure – John Gottman, PhD, 2002, Crown Publishers.

Intimacy and Desire: Awakening the Passion in your relationship – David Schnarch, 2011, Beaufort Books.

The High Conflict Couple – Michael Fruzetti, 2006, New Harbinger.

The Four Agreements – Miguel Ruiz, 1998, Amber-Allen.
